64 hair donors contributed 130 ponytails for a total of 107.14 feet of hair!! 💇🏽😁💕👍🏻

November 1st will be a day we will never forget. Our community came together to support, love, honor, and remember those who are currently fighting cancer as well as those who have won their battle with cancer. People of all ages and walks of life came to donate their hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths as well as donate financially to Jay's HOPE Foundation. Thanks to our community, numerous women and children with cancer will be able to feel a little more like themselves. 💇🏽💁
A HUGE thanks to all the hair donors. I hope you all know the impact you have made. We cannot thank you enough for your generous and kind hearts! Please click "Like" to tell them THANKS for their donation!!
💕"There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer." 💕
Anna Clements Dorman
Lauren Weeks
Luke Webster
Kay Lewis Walker
Emily Walker
Mallory Walker
Kimble Marchant
Lee Coleman
Laura Jasmine Duarte
Heather Childers
Jana Webster
Maria Hernandez
Lisa Smith Hester
Gabby Spikes
Matt Marsh
Nerily Lopez
Richard Romberger
Becca Rakestraw
Jessica Dickens Braswell
Joselyn Leija
Jennifer Herzog
Ava Kelly
Denise Marie Ferrari
Brandi Williams
Christen Crapps Fields
Marcia Staub
Mackenzie Greene
Shannon Roberson McDaniel
Wanda Smith
Alejandra Lopez
Carmen Corken
Allie Mobley
Marlee Schwartz
Melissa Harris Crowe
Scout Holt
Norah Campbell
Norah Monfort
Piper Monfort
Blake Branch
Charla Futrill
Faith Fogle
Lori Hickerson Bargeron
Brittany Petsch
Kayla N Chad Dunn
Ashley Parrish
Billie Jo Abney
Lyla Moore
Calla Joiner
Kelly Fresh
Ansley Hutto
Sarah Hutto
Savannah Cole
Victoria Ratliff
Janie Rousey
Angie Tucker
#gogold #jaysHOPE #pantenebeautifullengths #cuttingforcancer #pdc #raiseawareness #childhoodcancer #64donors #130ponytails #volunteersrock